Hunger is a result of poverty. Hamburg Messe und Congress cannot combat the global poverty challenge alone. But what we can do is join hands with many others to ensure the responsible use of food resources, and to support sustainable agriculture so as to fight some causes of hunger and poverty.
Based on the HMC Purchasing department's sustainability guidelines, HMC preferably selects regional service partners and suppliers, which are bound by long-term contracts. Furthermore, on our exhibition campus we work with our catering partner Käfer Service Hamburg GmbH which actively implements a comprehensive sustainability concept. As a regional caterer, the company is in a great position to work preferably with regional suppliers of foodstuffs and use seasonal foods. This means that Käfer can continuously offer fresh quality while adjusting food quantities to the number of guests as precisely as possible to avoid large amounts of unused food.
CCH Division:
Since 2021 Käfer Service Hamburg GmbH has been under contract as the exclusive catering partner of the CCH – Congress Center Hamburg.
Käfer company values every member of its diverse, international teams. For the Munich-based caterer, servicing major events means strengthening team spirit. Käfer’s own sustainability team is headed by members of the company’s management board, a fact that highlights the importance Käfer assigns to the issue.
This is an example of ecological and economic sustainability: The use of specialized water filters allows the company to serve tap water in glass jugs. This reduces the use of glass and plastic bottles and the associated transportation effort.